Our enriched nanodiamond coatings fill the micropores of your vehicle’s body, creating a smooth, even surface armed with millions of nanodiamond particles locked in a molecular matrix anchored on the car’s clearcoat. Whether on a car body or its windows, the dirt and water repellency performance provided by Diamond ProTech coatings will amaze you.
Surface view of car paintwork before and after Diamond ProTech coating.
Studies were carried out using a high resolution Tescan® Mira LMU electron microscope

Diamond ProTech coatings have been tested and verified by SGS (sgs.com) the world’s leading independent test company. They documented that nanodiamonds, enriched by our proprietary processes, take on superhydrophobic characteristics on top of what hydrophobic characteristics that PHPS already provides.
The pictures on the right show a 142° contact angle of a drop of water on enriched nanodiamond particles.
Measurement of the contact angle on enriched nanodiamonds
Hydrophobic properties of nanodiamonds were evaluated using an OCA 20 tensiometer (DataPhysics Instruments GmbH). Nanodiamonds were applied to the paper and liquid (distilled water, T = 24 °C ), V drop = 6 μl